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Broke Stuck & Miserable Devotional

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. We'll explore themes of new beginnings, hope in the face of despair, and the transformative power of God’s grace in our lives. Join us as we unpack the richness of God's promises and apply them to our daily walk.
Day 1
Isaiah 43:18-19

As we begin this devotional journey, let's reflect on the powerful reminder from Isaiah that God is always at work in creating something new within us. As we encounter life's challenges, it's easy to get bogged down in past struggles or failings. But God is inviting us into a season of renewal, calling us to see the new thing He is doing in our lives.
Journeying with God often requires leaving behind the familiar, the past that may hold us captive. Isaiah encourages us not to dwell on what has been but to look ahead with anticipation as God makes a way in the wilderness and brings refreshment to our weary souls. Today, we embrace the new beginnings that God is birthing in us.

  • What 'former things' am I holding onto that God asks me to forget?
  • How can I be more attentive to the new thing God is doing in my life?
  • In what areas of my life am I seeking a way in the wilderness or streams in the wasteland?
  • Pray for openness to God's transformative work in your life.
  • Ask God to help you release the past and embrace the new thing He has for you.

Day 2
John 5:6-8

The encounter at the pool of Bethesda reveals a profound spiritual truth—our willingness to be made whole is often hindered by our limitations and excuses. Like the man at the pool, we can become so familiar with our conditions that we don't recognize the Healer in our midst. Jesus' question, "Do you want to get well?" is an invitation to self-examination and honesty.
Our situations may seem hopeless, but they are never beyond God's reach. The miraculous healing of the man by the pool signifies Jesus's personal touch in our lives. He sees us, knows us, and asks us to take action toward our healing. This day, may we find the courage to put aside our excuses and rise to the wholeness Jesus offers.
  • Am I willing to confront my excuses that prevent me from experiencing healing?
  • What steps can I take today to move toward the wholeness God offers?
  • How can Jesus' question, "Do you want to get well?" become a daily reflection of my life?
  • Pray for the strength to rise above your circumstances and take the steps needed for healing.
  • Ask God to reveal any excuses you've been clinging to that hinder your wholeness.

Day 3
Isaiah 53:5

Isaiah speaks of a Messiah who would bear our iniquities and invite us into peace and healing. This prophetic utterance came to fullness in Jesus' sacrifice, offering salvation for our spirits and restoration for our souls and bodies. Our transformation is holistic, encompassing every part of our existence.
As we continue our devotional today, let's focus on the completeness of Christ's work. The journey toward wholeness is not solely about physical well-being but about aligning our spirit, soul, and body with God's design and purpose. Jesus' sacrifice was total, and His healing extends to every aspect of our being.
  • How does understanding Jesus' sacrificial love impact my path to healing?
  • In which area of my life—spirit, soul, or body—do I most seek restoration?
  • What does it mean for me to live a life that is whole in Christ?
  • Pray for the redemption and healing of every part of your being in Christ.
  • Thank Jesus for His sacrifice and ask for the grace to walk in the fullness of health He provides.

Day 4
John 5:9

The immediacy of the paralyzed man’s healing—"at once" he was cured and walked—speaks to the authority and sufficiency of Jesus' word. In an instant, decades of infirmity were undone, signifying the transformational power God extends to us when we respond in faith. The challenge for us today is recognizing that when Jesus speaks into our lives, He requires our participation to rise and walk in our newfound freedom.
Reflect on the areas where you need an ‘at once’ breakthrough. Contemplate the significance of Jesus intervening in places where you feel paralyzed, be it in your relationships, career, spiritual disciplines, or personal growth. May we hear Jesus' command to "pick up your mat and walk" as an urgent call to action in faith.
  • What 'at once' breakthrough am I believing God for today?
  • Where do I need to experience the 'pick up your mat and walk' command in my life?
  • How can I actively respond to Jesus' authoritative word?
  • Pray for the faith to respond promptly to the work Jesus wants to do in you.
  • Ask God for the courage to walk in your healing even when the transformation is immediate and surprising.

Day 5
Isaiah 43:19

As we conclude our five-day devotional, let’s reflect on Isaiah's call to perceive God's innovative work in our lives. Just as spring signifies renewal and hope, God intends to lead us into seasons of vibrant transformation. He desires to move us from the familiar places of brokenness into areas of growth and vitality.
We are invited to partner with God in this journey, to not only observe but actively participate in the 'new thing' He is doing. This may require leaving behind the comfortable or the known, but in exchange, we are given life in its abundant and full measure, as intended by our Creator. Let’s step into the newness with faith and anticipation of his goodness.
  • What new thing is God doing in my life that requires my active participation?
  • How can letting go of past hurts and failures lead to a new season of growth?
  • In what practical ways can I step into the newness God has for me?
  • Pray to embrace the change God brings into your life with joy and thanksgiving.
  • Ask God to give you a clear perception and understanding of the new path He is carving out for you.
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