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Conforming or Transforming

Rewatch the Message 

Message Guide

Sermon Summary 🎬

Pastor Nick emphasizes the importance of following Jesus and being transformed by Him. He highlights the power of Jesus' presence, stresses the value of community and prayer, and discusses the discipleship journey. Pastor Nick also addresses the detrimental effects of unintentionally following someone or something else and encourages intentional following of Jesus to counteract negative influences.

Discussion Questions 💬
  1. How can we actively pursue following Jesus in our daily lives?
    Context: Pastor Nick emphasized the importance of following Jesus and being transformed by Him, rather than conforming to the world.
    Application Question: What is one practical step you can take this week to better follow Jesus and focus on His teachings?
  2. Why is it important to find our place within the church community?
    Context: Pastor Nick highlighted the role of community in sharing our faith and encouraged everyone to find their place in the church.
    Application Question: How can you take steps to get more involved in your church community and develop stronger connections with others?
  3. How does Romans 12:2 encourage us not to conform to the world?
    Context: Pastor Nick quoted Paul's words, urging believers not to conform to the world but to transform their minds through Jesus.
    Application Question: What is an area in your life where you feel pressured to conform to worldly standards and how can you resist that pressure by focusing on Jesus?
  4. What sacrifices might be required for us to truly follow Jesus?
    Context: Pastor Nick discussed the story of the two sets of brothers and the rich man, showing that following Jesus requires sacrificial commitment.
    Application Question: What is something in your life that may be holding you back from fully following Jesus and how can you work on letting it go?
  5. Why is discipleship important in becoming like Jesus?
    Context: Pastor Nick explained that discipleship involves being with Jesus, following His example, and sharing His love with others.
    Application Question: How can you take steps to deepen your discipleship and actively live out the teachings of Jesus in your everyday life?
  6. How can we actively pursue following Jesus in our daily lives?
    Context: Pastor Nick emphasized the importance of following Jesus and being transformed by Him, rather than conforming to the world.
    Application Question: What is one practical step you can take this week to better follow Jesus and focus on His teachings?

Prayer 🙏

Prayer Prompt:  
  • Take a moment to share any prayer requests or struggles you have. 
  • Ask God to help us apply the message of following Jesus and being transformed to our lives throughout this week. 
  • Pray for the strength and commitment to be disciples of Jesus, willing to make sacrifices and shift our thinking. 
  • Ask God to help us engage in practices of prayer, worship, and Bible study to spend time with Jesus and grow in our faith.
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