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Know God Devotional

5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. Each day, we'll explore the themes of growth, transformation, and personal encounters with God as we reflect on the passage from Isaiah 43 about God doing a new thing in our lives.

Day 1

Isaiah 43:19

As we unravel our spiritual paths, the promise from Isaiah 43:19 speaks of fresh beginnings and God’s constant renewal. It whispers that what is coming is not to be perceived by past experiences or current struggles but through a lens of faith.

Growth blooms from our willingness to perceive God's fresh work. Perhaps this requires letting go of the old—fears, mistakes, or successes—to embrace a new chapter. As we focus on this divine promise, let's consider what' a new thing’ means in our personal lives.

  • What area of your life might God want to do 'a new thing'? How have you been resisting it?
  • In what ways can embracing a 'new thing' change your approach to your daily routines?
  • How can the realization of God doing a new thing in your life affect your faith and actions?
  • Pray for an open heart to perceive and embrace the new things God has planned for you.
  • Seek guidance in letting go of past hurdles that may hinder your vision of a rejuvenated spiritual journey.

Day 2

Lamentations 3:23

Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning. Standing on the declaration from Lamentations 3:23, we are reminded that every sunrise marks a rebirth of mercy. Today, let's absorb this profound truth – God replenishes our spirit as we face new opportunities and challenges.

Reflecting on the calm waves of God's endless mercy is an invitation to shed the burdens of yesterday. How can we walk in freedom when we allow His mercy to cleanse and renew us daily?

  • In which areas of your life have you noticed God's mercies beginning afresh, and how has this affected you?
  • How can recognizing God's daily renewal change your attitude toward challenges?
  • What changes can you make to start each day with an appreciation for God's renewed mercies?
  • Thank God for His faithful, unending supply of mercy that awakens you every day.
  • Ask for the strength to step into each new day empowered by His grace, leaving behind yesterday’s shortcomings.

Day 3

Luke 5:27

When Jesus called Levi, it wasn't about what Levi was but what he would become. Our reflection today from Luke 5:27 isn't just about a call—it's an invitation to transformation. Jesus asks us to follow Him, to become apprentices in faith—an endeavor that will change us from the inside out.

Imagine leaving everything, like Levi, to follow a promise of something greater. What would you need to 'leave behind' to heed a similar call? It's a monumental commitment, demonstrating trust and yearning for a deeper relationship with God.

  • What does it mean to follow Jesus in the context of your life today?
  • Are there things you need to 'leave behind' to follow Him faithfully?
  • How can stepping into the role of being an apprentice to Christ reshape your perspective on daily living?
  • Pray for the courage to follow Jesus fully and embrace the changes He brings into your life.
  • Ask for discernment to understand the areas of your life where God is calling you to 'leave behind' and follow Him.

Day 4

John 17:3

“Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” John 17:3 reminds us that knowing God intimately is the essence of our faith—the heart of our purpose. Our pursuit isn't for knowledge's sake but to forge a relationship with our Creator.

Knowing God is dynamic, not static; it's a relationship that flourishes with time and intention. Consider the impact of seeking an intimate knowledge of God each day, not just as a supreme being but as a loving Father with whom we share every aspect of life.

  • How can you cultivate a daily practice of getting to know God more deeply?
  • What might be holding you back from a closer relationship with God?
  • How does knowing God change your approach to life's struggles and triumphs?
  • Invite God into the everyday moments of your life and ask for a deeper revelation of His nature.
  • Pray for the continual growth of your relationship with God, that it may go beyond surface-level acquaintance.

Day 5

Mark 12:30

On the final day, we turn to the greatest commandment as expressed in Mark 12:30. To love God with every fiber of our being—heart, soul, mind, and strength—is a holistic devotion that defines the essence of our discipleship.

Emphasizing such love for God challenges us to reflect on the completeness of our commitment. Are we segmenting our devotion, or are we all in? In the spirit of this reflective week, let's ponder how we express our love for God and strive for a more unified and wholehearted dedication.

  • What does it look like to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength?
  • In what ways can you express a more holistic love for God in your everyday life?
  • How can the realization of loving God wholly affect your decision-making and actions?
  • Confess any areas of reserved love and ask God to help you love Him more completely.
  • Pray for an undivided heart that seeks to glorify God in every aspect of living.